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2006 P Silver American Eagle Rev PR69 NGC 20th Anniversary Label

2006 P Silver American Eagle Rev PR69 NGC 20th Anniversary Label


2006 Philadelphia Silver American Eagle Reverse Proof 69 NGC 20th Anniversary Label

This coin was the first-ever reverse proof Silver Eagle issued by the U.S. Mint, making it a significant addition to the series. The "P" mintmark signifies it was struck at the Philadelphia Mint. With only 250,000 coins produced, its relatively low mintage compared to regular Silver Eagles adds to its rarity. This reverse proof coin was part of a special three-coin set released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the American Silver Eagle program, which also included a standard proof and an uncirculated version.


Its design features the iconic Adolph A. Weinman’s Walking Liberty on the obverse and John Mercanti’s heraldic eagle on the reverse, elements that have remained a hallmark of the series. Collectors value this coin not just for its aesthetics and craftsmanship, but also for its historical significance in the Silver Eagle lineup.
