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1887 Liberty Head Nickel in G/VG Condition

1887 Liberty Head Nickel in G/VG Condition


1887 Liberty Head Nickel in Good to Very Good Condition

The 1887 Liberty Nickel is a historic coin minted by the United States Mint as part of the Liberty Head Nickel series. The obverse of the coin features the left-facing portrait of Lady Liberty, wearing a coronet inscribed with the word "LIBERTY." The word "LIBERTY" is also inscribed on the headband. The reverse features a large Roman numeral V encircled by a wreath of agricultural products, including wheat, corn, and cotton.

1887 Liberty Head V Nickel G/VG

In G/VG condition, the coin will have visible wear but should still retain some detail. Lady Liberty's portrait may be worn, especially on the high points like her cheek and coronet, but some details, such as the letters of "LIBERTY," should still be discernible. On the reverse, the Roman numeral V and the wreath may show wear, but the overall design should be recognizable.
