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2006 Silver American Eagle 20th Anniversary 3pc Set in OGP

2006 Silver American Eagle 20th Anniversary 3pc Set in OGP

Check/Wire Price: $349.50
CC/PayPal Price:   $359.99

2006 Silver American Eagle 20th Anniversary 3pc Set in Original Government Packaging (OGP)

Includes a proof, uncirculated and reverse proof Silver American Eagle (SAE) in Original Government Packaging (OGP)

The three–coin American Eagle 20th Anniversary Silver Coin Set, will contain one coin each of a proof, reverse proof and uncirculated silver eagle. The proof and uncirculated coins will have a “W” mint mark, and the reverse proof will have a “P” mint mark.

2006 SAE 20th Anniversary 3pc Set OGP

The American Eagle Silver Proof Coin’s obverse (heads) design is Adolph A. Weinman’s full–length figure of Liberty in stride with her right hand extended and branches of laurel and oak in her left. The reverse (tails) design, by United States Mint Sculptor–Engraver John Mercanti, features the heraldic eagle with shield, an olive branch in the right talon and arrows in the left.
