The SilverTowne Vault

Unique Coins and Bullion from Mints Around the World

Unique Collectible Coins and Bullion on www.SilverTowne.Com
Have you ever wanted to peek inside the Vault at SilverTowne to see what products are there? Now, thanks to a new product category, you can see for yourself! “The Vault” is accessible from the homepage at, and features unique and collectible coins and bullion… there is quite literally something for everyone’s taste, style, and collection wants and needs. From certified modern collectible coins to uniquely shaped bullion, and silver coins in OGP (Original Government Packaging) featuring contemporary, classic or commemorative designs, there is a wide variety of product from which to choose. Under this new category, you’ll discover exceptional designs and low-quantity items. You never know, you may just find the one item for which you’ve been looking, to either add to or complete your collection. Check back often as new silver and gold coins and collectible bullion are added regularly!